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Medlemmer i kontrollkomiteene i GC

Den 14. august 2018 utpekte GC ADCOM følgende personer til å sitte i kontrollkomiteene:


1. General Conference Compliance Review Committee with General Conference Core Policies

Raymond Wahlen, II, chair

Daisy J. F. Orion, secretary

Guillermo E. Biaggi

Claude J. Richli

Two additional members to be named

Invitees: Paul H Douglas, GCAS Associate from region under review

Legal Advisor: Josue Pierre

Ex Officio: Ted N.C. Wilson, G.T. Ng, Juan R. Prestol-Puesan


2. GC Compliance Review Committee with Doctrine, Policies, Statements & Guidelines for Church Organizations and Institutions Teaching Creation/Origins

Artur A. Stele, chair

James L. Gibson, secretary

Kwabena Donkor

Chantal Klingiel

Ronald Nalin

Suzanne Phillips

Karen J. Porter

Michael L. Ryan

Timothy G. Standish

John H. Thomas

Randall W. Younker

Legal Advisor: Jennifer Woods

Ex-Officio: Ted N.C. Wilson, G.T. Ng, Juan R. Prestol-Puesan


3. GC Compliance Review Committee with Doctrine, Policies, Statements and Guidelines for Church Organizations and Institutions Regarding Homosexuality

Artur A. Stele, chair

Elias Brazil de Souza, secretary

Lisa M. Beardsley-Hardy

Gary T. Blanchard

Peter N. Landless

Ekkehardt F.R. Mueller

Neil Nedley

Elaine Oliver

Willie Oliver

Kathryn Proffitt

Gerson P. Santos

Lori T. Yingling

Legal Advisor: Thomas E. Wetmore

Ex Officio: Ted N.C. Wilson, G.T. Ng, Juan R. Prestol-Puesan


4. General Conference Compliance Review Committee with the Distinctive Beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church for Church Organizations and Institutions

Elias Brasil de Souza, chair

Clinton L. Wahlen, secretary

Raquel Arrais

Mark A. Finley

Pavel Goia

Hensley M. Moorooven

Jerry N. Page

Heather-Dawn Small

Ella S. Simmons

Brad Thorp

Alberto R. Timm

Legal Advisor: Todd R. McFarland

Ex-Officio: Ted N.C. Wilson, G.T. Ng, Juan R. Prestol-Puesan


5. General Conference Compliance Review Committee with Doctrines, Policies, Statements and Guidelines for Church Organizations and Institutions Regarding Issues of Ordination

Guillermo E. Biaggi, chair

Hensley M. Moorooven, secretary

Abner De los Santos

Mark A. Finley

Frank M. Hasel

Janet Page

Jerry N. Page

Michael L. Ryan

Galina Stele

Legal Advisor: Karnik Doukmetzian

Ex-Officio: Ted N.C. Wilson, G.T. Ng, Juan R. Prestol-Puesan


Adventist Today har følgende kommentar vedrørende sammensetning av de fem komiteene som ble utnevnt av GCs administrative komite den 14. august 2018:

Six to 13 individuals were appointed to each committee, a total of 45 individuals all together. All but four of these are GC staff members, and two of those four are faculty members at Loma Linda University and Andrews University assigned to the committee on teaching creation. Of the total, 14 are women and 31 are men. Seven of the 45 are assigned to two committees each. An attorney from the GC law office has been assigned to each committee as a legal advisor with each committee served by a different lawyer, perhaps to avoid conflict of interest situations.